
Whether you travel for vacation or on business, GWF can be a real help. First off, realize that you should “Gwiff” any place you go that you might want to get to quickly. Starting with the airport and anything you see along the way to the hotel, like museums, a library, police station, bus station, embassy and of course… your hotel.

Once you have those things, you can walk if it’s close or hop in a cab and say, “Take me here,” showing the driver the location and the map. That can help in situations where language might be an obstacle. And if you are not sure, what you just took a photo of, you can show the photo to someone at the hotel and they can help you fill in the blanks.

And don’t forget that local attractions near the hotel are also very useful: food markets & bistros, cafés and coffee shops, breakfast spots and restaurants come to mind as well as bars and clubs, if that’s your preference.

Create A New …

toolbar1In Good With Faces™, you can create two things: Events and Guests. Creation of either happens in one of two places, on the Event List screen or the Guest List screen.

On either screen, you will see in the lower left corner of the toolbar (at the bottom), you will see a standard icon that is mostly used for Creation of things, hence the idea of putting pencil to paper. As previously mentioned, this icon can be found on the Event screen and on the Guest screen and touching it will create an entry in keeping with the screen you are on. So, if I am looking at the list of Events (even if the list is empty), this will create a new Entry and take me to the Event Detail view; we call it that because it is the same view you see when you are editing the information for an Event that already exists.

Tips & Tricks

The streamlining features of GWF are thought through very carefully to give you the maximum benefit from a minimum of features. This philosophy makes it possible to hold the line on the explosion of complexity that often accompanies the simplest bits of software.

Here, we will share some techniques that are not necessarily a different usage of the app but to help you get a better quality experience out of Good With Faces. This includes photography tips and potentially other things as well.