Rapid Photos

When you find yourself in a situation where you want to make a number of Guest entries quickly and you only care about the photo, to get things started; there’s a way to do that. The first thing you will want to do is set your configuration to prefer photos.


…this way, every time you create a new Guest, it will automatically call up the camera so you can take a picture, right away.

Many of you may know this much already but you might not have considered is that once you have taken the photo, you can simply hit the button to “Keep the Changes.”


This is because, only Events require titles, Guests have no required text fields at all, so if all you want is a photo, a time stamp and the location, hit “Keep the Changes” and you’re done. Of course, you can always go back later and type something later; you might know what you want to type by looking at the photo.

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